I said what I said.


He invited me over for a swim and I thought it would be harmless. Little did I know that it was the beginning of the end of our friendship.

I went home feeling utterly disgusted with myself. I do not understand why I let it happen. But I remember clearly saying “NO”. Was it because I decided to lay on his bed? Was I manipulated? Was it because it was me and he felt he had the right to have his way with me?

Source: Instagram @spiritualword

A few days later, I asked him why he did what he did and his answer was, “I badly needed it.”

I only got one sorry even after the lengthy explanation of the impact it had on me and I should probably be happy with that ‘one sorry’. But I was not, I wanted him to understand my pain, to validate it,… to accept that what he had done was wrong. I could feel from the tone in his voice that he was not fully comprehending what I was saying. He wanted me to shut up and get over it.

I had always had that unexplainable anger towards him. Almost everything he did irritated me. I never understood my anger,… I quietly went through my episode of depression. I started to read about similar situations to understand what had happened to me and why I was feeling the way I was feeling. That is when I remembered all the times he would touch me and I would snap at him. He would say that I am mean and too tough. But not even my mean tone or toughness would stop him from repeating it.

Source: Instagram @setagainstsexualassault

One afternoon, I went over to his place to have a swim and just hang out. He bought me food, put on some music and let me enjoy myself. I had the pool to myself. Then he started to suggest that we have sex in the pool… but I was not up for it. It was getting late and I decided to go to his bed and rest a little before heading home. He joined me and started touching me,… I told him to stop because I clearly did not want to have sex with him. He asked, “why?”, and I said, “because I do not feel like it”…. he walked out of the room and threw a tantrum.

A few minutes later, he came back and I let him do what he wanted.

Source: Instagram @setagainstsexualassault

He ruined a good friendship just because he could not control his urges. A few weeks later we stopped talking,… I told him the reason why and all he said was “ok”. He was a good person, and I will never understand why he did what he did. And it took me soo long to fully understand what he was doing to me.

To be honest, I still feel filthy. I thought about all the times I let men have their way with me even when I did not want. All the times I blamed myself for being too easy, for getting drunk and dressing inappropriately. It is going to take a while to heal but I know I will eventually be fine.

Source: Instagram @setagainstsexualassault

Note: This is not my story and the owner chooses to stay anonymous. Thank you for reading.

4 responses to “RAPE: MY STORY (PART 6)”

  1. aliceakurutachora Avatar

    I don’t know why they all start by allowing you to do what you want and buying you all that you want, I feel like it makes them entitled..they think they can do anything because they also let u do anything in return..They say sex is emotional n spiritual whereas what they give you is materialistic.It can never amount to the what way they make you feel or how it damages you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think this guy felt because he had done all that he was entitled to sex. Most men are wired that way. They will not even bother to have that conversation where an agreement is made. But no agreement was made and I believe she did not ask him to buy her all those things. So where does the sense of entitlement come from?


  2. I am sorry that anonymous had to go through a painful experience with someone she trusted. No consent is rape!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. yes, no consent is rape.


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