I said what I said.


Hey,.. I know I am late to the partyyyy,… but December is my favorite month. It is that time of the year where you unwind, kickback, enjoy, and just live. I know most of you are looking back to see what you have achieved this year and how you can make 2022 a better year. But c’mon, reelaaxx,… just live in the moment for now. Let us enjoy the festivities and everything it brings,… I am going to try my best to keep the Christmas spirit going. Stick with me for the next few weeks.

I have always been obsessed with christmas trees since I was little. I still feel bad for not having a christmas tree this year,… but oh well.

Blogmas is a season in December where bloggers make blog posts daily from the 1st of December, all the way to Christmas day. I am not one to give up or leave things unfinished. So, here goes;

My wishlist for Christmas;

Mhhh, I do not even know what to ask for. I am so grateful for so much. I have achieved a lot this year, It has been a year of growth and even though I did not understand most of the hardships I went through in 2019 and 2020. God pulled through and it now makes sense. I just need him to answer this one prayer. That is all I want. So all I ask is that as my audience you intercede for me,… Tell God that, “Jordana needs you, please grant her the desires of her heart. Amen”

Source: Pond5

Five things I love about Christmas;

  1. The Christmas tree

I was always the one that looked forward to Christmas. We would go shopping for gifts and decorations. Back in the day, we would get an actual Christmas tree, not these plastic trees we use these days. It was a full house so I had help. The tree would be brought by my brother and uncle, then I would set up all the decorations. It brought me such joy, an understandable joy. I would sit there and watch the lights twinkle.

Source: Bournemouth Echo

2. The Food

Don’t we all love food. As a tradition, Matooke was put on fire very early in the morning before we left for church. By the time we got back, it was time to prepare the other dishes. The hen or cock was slaughtered (something my brother hated). Food was the center of the day. People would eat throughout and as much as you can. After that we would lie on our backs under the table.

Source: ACT Uganda

3. Alcohol

As a kid, Christmas was the only time you would be permitted to take a glass of wine. If the parents refused, there was that older relative who would give you a sip of their beer.

4. Family

Christmas was the time to mingle and get to know your relatives. Gossip with your favorite cousins and aunties. Get to know family history.

Source: Volunteer Encounter

5. Movies

There was a christmas we binge watched movies. It was just me, my mom and brother. My dad had gone to the village. That Christmas was fun and chill. There is something so warm about Christmas movies.

Throwback to Christmas;

When I say each year is better than the last, I mean it. Last Christmas I woke up to the cold of Bunyonyi. We had breakfast and took a hike. Lunch overlooking the lovely view of the lake. Ended it with lovely strangers by the campfire. It was phenomenal.

Source: Me

Never have I ever;

Never have I ever slaughtered a chicken for any occasion. That is one thing that they always allocated to the males.

Five movies to watch to get you Christmasy;

  1. Home Alone

Binge watch it, all parts. This is a classic, timeless,… never gets old.

2. The Holiday

It is funny, and romantic. Life is uncertain, full of surprises, you never know where you will find love.

Source: Vogue

3. The Princess Switch

Take a walk in my shoes. Two women switch places and try to fit into each other’s lives. Nothing special about this movie. But it is fun to watch and you can watch it with kids.

4. Almost Christmas

You know the drama that happens when African families reunite? Well you know for a fact that every time your family comes together for anything something always happens. This is one of those scenarios.

5. Die Hard

For us who love a little action. For the love of adrenaline.

Source: The Economist

I had to keep this brief since I was catching up. But see you tomorrow for Day 7,… keep the holiday spirit going.

6 responses to “WELCOME TO MY BLOGMAS (DAY 1 TO DAY 6)”

  1. I am grateful that I made it to the last month of the year. God’s grace has carried me this far❤. My perfect Christmas is about receiving gifts and spending time with loved ones.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is a beautiful read!🤗💙

    I have never slaughtered a chicken and I do not think I ever will. I haven’t even touched a catfish dead or alive not to talk of a chicken!😬

    The princess switch is a sweet movie😁

    Almost Christmas seems familiar. Hmmm

    Well done, Jordana🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Sylvia for challenging us. This is out of my comfort zone to blog everyday but the theme is fun.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re very welcome, Jordana🤗💙


  3. I have never watched the princess switch. I should look for it

    As for slaughtering chicken… I can’t. I even fear the live 🐔 itself

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We are together in our fear for chickens..


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