I said what I said.


In the course of my healing journey, I learnt that you can only allow something to affect you if you let it. You have that much power over your life. Whenever people complain that social media affects their mental health, or is a distraction, I feel like they are not being honest with themselves. If it is a distraction, schedule time for it. If it affects your mental health, unfollow or block pages that trigger you, filter what comes on your feed or you could just choose to get off social media but I do not advice it. Social media is a powerful tool in our world today, depending on how you choose to use it.

Employers headhunt and get to know new potential employees through their Linked In profile, some go the extra mile and check your other social media platforms. Opportunities are posted on these social media platforms; you are able to network globally. It really depends on your mindset and how you choose to view social media. How are you branding yourself? What pages are you following? Do they support your passion? Are they of value to you?


There are a number of people that have used social media to get noticed and launch their careers. Azziad Nasenya and Elsa Majimbo from Kenya are good examples, writers, influencers, entrepreneurs, fitness enthusiasts, and many others. They have been able to reach a vast population by simply pushing their brand on social media. Doesn’t this inspire you?

Social media is a powerful tool depending on how you choose to use it. Let people get to know you through social media. Sell yourself; I believe we all have something to offer. Look for people that share your interests, join communities, and learn from them. A lot of information is shared daily, things we do not learn from school.

Perfectionism and comparison is what kills dreams and ideas. Start where you are, with what you have and learn while in motion. Treat it like a job; employees learn and perfect their skills while on the job. You do not have to be perfect. Start with what you have. You are more equipped than you think.

2 responses to “THE GIFT OF SOCIAL MEDIA”

  1. Social media breaks have been helpful for me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is advisable to take breaks

      Liked by 1 person

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