I said what I said.


Abortion was on the list of topics I said I would not talk about until I felt safe to. I still do not feel safe to talk about it but I am going to either way. This is not to try to sway your view on it or trigger anyone but rather to keep the promise I made to myself. Again, my blog is really for me and I deeply appreciate my audience. This is a sensitive topic, especially for me. So here goes.

I am fully aware that abortion is murder and it is a sin for believers. However, let us be logical here. As a woman, if you had the power to control whether you conceive or not, when you conceive, how many children you conceive and what gender you conceive, would you use that power? Would it make your life easier? Would it be less of a burden?

Spectrum News

If we are being honest with ourselves, most people live in fear of pregnancy as opposed to sexually transmitted diseases. It is no hidden fact that most of the population is engaging in unprotected sex. Sexually transmitted diseases are treatable but abortion to some is undebatable, they will keep the baby no matter the circumstances based on their values or parents decision.

A baby to a person who is not looking or has the resources to look after one is a burden, a roadblock, an unchartered territory of life, and a trap for most men. From personal experience, whether you are prepared for a baby or not. News that you are going to have one is terrifying; joyful for some but the fear is always there. The degree of fear just varies in every person. The reason for the fear differs too.

Some may say, “If you do not want to have a baby, you should not have sex,” “You knew the consequences of having unprotected sex.” In my opinion, men should really have no say when it comes to abortion especially if you are not the father of that child. Especially if you know, you are not going to stick around to support that woman when she eventually gives birth to your child.

People are very opinionated, and everyone is clever when it is not their story. Would you want your daughter, sister, cousin or mother to keep a child she does not want? Would you keep a child you do not want? What if the child was conceived as a result of rape, gang rape, or she simply made a mistake. What if your wife was raped? Would you force her to keep it? That child is going to be a daily reminder of her shortcomings, of that nasty ordeal.

A good number of us have grown up feeling like a burden. Any mistake we made growing up, we would be reminded of the amount of money they spend on us. Reminded that our parents are suffering because they have to put us through school. Being told deeply hurtful statements. Not to be vile, but none of us asked or begged to be brought to earth. We just found ourselves here and had to deal with it.

The Project (YouTube)

Illegal, unsafe and unaffordable abortion is the reason people throw away babies. I blame culture and societal norms too. Not all of us are meant to be parents. Why traumatize a child and make them feel unloved, unwanted and a burden yet you could have chosen not to have them. This is the reason most people in this era choose not to have children. Some simply do not want, some realize and have accepted that they will not be good parents and some are still dealing with childhood trauma that they do not want to pass on to their children.

Abortion is mainly focused on the rights of women to do as they please with their bodies. To have the liberty to choose to give birth or not. If abortion was legalized decades ago and affordable to the poor as well, maybe we would not be dealing with poverty. Maybe we would not have issues of high population. Maybe some of the world’s problems would not exist today.

Let me end this by saying, the process of giving birth is a life or death situation.


  1. I think abortions should be made legal. People end up having backstreet abortions which might compromise their health

    Liked by 2 people

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