I said what I said.


It is tough letting go of old habits

Learning that the things you once liked do not please you anymore

Watching the people you once thought you could not live without grow into the people that are holding you back

Source: Famous Quotes

Learning that it is necessary to be selfish

Hypocrisy is required in certain situations

Drawing boundaries

Accepting that some people will never like you

Choosing to put on your shoes of peace

Picking your battles wisely

Remaining calm

Seeking silence

Finding comfort in being with yourself

Trusting God

Source: YourQuote

The heart adapts

The heart adapts to loss

Loss of friendships, loss of relationships

The heart heals and tries again

Life keeps evolving

So do our friendships, our values, our careers, our relationships…

Look in the mirror and tell yourself, “I have to let go of certain people, things and habits that are holding me back from the kind of woman that I want to be.”

Source: Pinterest (Abbie D)

Growth is painful but stagnation is not an option

4 responses to “SCULPT YOUR LIFE”

  1. I like this so much! Unlearning is hard. Currently going through all of this!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Same,…. we shall push though as long as we are true and honest with ourselves.


  2. Stagnation is not an option..we always have to keep moving, be on the move and relentlessly pursue our ambitions.

    Thank you emotional guru for this thoughtful piece yet again!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for passing by and constantly encouraging me…


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