I said what I said.

The Real Housewives of Nairobi


Single Kiasi inspired me to check out the real housewives of Nairobi, particularly to learn more about Minne. To my surprise, I discovered an array of fascinating personas such as Susan, Vera Sidika, Dr. C and Sonal; all distinctive in their own right. The show captivated me from start to finish with each episode offering its share of drama.

I loved Minne’s raw and authentic self-expression. Vera’s habit of arriving late always made their meetings more exciting for me. As for Susan, I thought she often sought out drama but appreciated her mature apologies when in the wrong. Sonal possessed a calming presence with an assured demeanor – much like Simba from The Lion King, independent and comfortable being solo.

The level of shade was remarkable. The donkeys at Vera’s event left me in hysterics. Vera is unparalleled – she may not speak much but her actions are more than enough to convey her message. I wouldn’t dare start a fight with her if I were you! We often overlook the emotions these women feel because they live such extravagant lifestyles, yet witnessing Minne’s tender side reminded me otherwise; whilst tough on the exterior, inside lies an exquisite and kind-hearted individual.

The first episode of season two has already been released, and I am eager for the remaining episodes to come out.

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