I said what I said.


The mastermind behind Lockdown, who handled the writing, directing and casting of actors for the show is truly brilliant. It seems to have drawn inspiration from Orange is The New Black which was evident when I watched a snippet in Season 1 Episode 2 on Magic Showcase (Channel 143 on DStv); it instantly captured my attention. Subsequently, I searched for earlier episodes only to realize that they were being aired exclusively on Showmax.

Source: Showmax

Many women in prison have been wrongly convicted for crimes they did not commit. They may have been framed, found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time or even pleaded guilty out of remorse. When placed into solitary confinement, an opportunity arises to delve deep within oneself and confront one’s innermost thoughts and emotions. It becomes a chance to meet your own alter ego; where you can engage in heartfelt discussions between your weaker self versus that which is more vulnerable.

Being in prison is similar to being possessed by an uncontrollable force that constantly drags you back. Every person who has tried to escape its grasp seems to inevitably return, no matter the effort made. Within those walls of confinement are committed all forms of heinous crimes – from sexual assault and bribery, to drug trading- yet these very same vices give rise to a sense of brotherhood amongst prisoners as they become their unifying common thread. This bond shared over mutual wrongdoing serves as both comfort and connection between them; it effectively becomes what brings meaning into their desert-like existence where relationships often hold so little value or consequence otherwise known inside the cell blocks.

Source: Showmax

Being imprisoned can drive a person insane. For those of us who struggle to face our wrongdoings, being alone with our thoughts is an unbearable experience as we are forced to confront the demons that haunt us – dark aspects of ourselves which we have yet to fully come to terms with.

Having experienced a range of intense feelings, this program instructed me to avoid feeling invincible. At this correctional facility, every individual was given their just portion of ass whooping.

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