I said what I said.


It is imperative that schools incorporate financial education into their curriculum. One can only imagine the immense progress we could have made with a combination of fiscal proficiency and self-control! The intentional exclusion of this vital knowledge seems nefarious at best, as if an otherworldly force were guiding it. It feels like there’s constant temptation leading us astray from abundance and peace, while concurrently understanding remains elusive to many people who are dominated by those in possession of resources and power. These factors maintain societal stagnation which affects everyone involved.

Picture a world where we educate our children on the significance of money starting from school. We teach them about investments, ideal business ventures to start, prudent financial decisions, taxes and government policies. Furthermore, they learn that having just one job is inadequate- multiple streams of income are necessary for success. Despite resources being plentiful globally, why do only certain individuals wield power over the economy and information?

Source: Small Business Trends

Just picture a world where Financial Literacy was included in school curriculums. I’m not referring to subjects like math, economics or commerce, but rather the practical knowledge of managing one’s finances. While listening to Lynn Ngugi’s podcast on money (, it struck me that even someone who worked for an investment company could have no savings if they lack financial literacy skills.

I found her account to be both motivational and thought-provoking. Despite our fancy corporate positions, stylish appearances, and luxurious travels, we have failed to save anything substantial for rainy days. We would be left with nothing if suddenly deprived of these jobs’ security blanket. How many people can honestly claim they could sustain their current standard of living for the next 90 days without that steady source of income?

Source: YouTube

Masterclass advertisements promoting financial literacy are visible on social media and surprisingly, people purchase them. However, it is important to note that this information can be obtained for free from different sources.

Familiarize yourself with your earnings, formulate a budget to match it and establish priorities. This approach yields significant savings while embracing details in the planning process. Being financially literate not only provides peace but also grants you control over every aspect of your life.

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