I said what I said.


I miss my dad most during moments like these when he had a wealth of tales to share. Power cuts couldn’t dampen our mood as we cherished storytelling sessions in the darkness.

Source: Jordana Atim

During my upbringing, living in Kampala was considered trendy since many parents sought opportunities in the big city. However, reminiscing about my childhood now, I cannot recall being privy to numerous folk tales that were traditionally handed down through generations. Instead of fanciful stories from folklore sources, we mainly listened intently as our elders recounted a mixture of family lore and rumors spanning back decades – even if they weren’t eyewitnesses themselves. It’s unfortunate how much historical knowledge has been lost over time without proper documentation. Perhaps what Afrobloggers is actually referring to with “folk stories” are these bits of gossip and hearsay passed along by word-of-mouth?

In today’s work landscape, visiting the village has become a lavishness that some of us cannot afford. Personally, I consider traveling to my hometown as a form of holiday because it is not often feasible for me. My reminiscences of these trips are dominated by being gawked at by scores of children who purportedly call themselves my cousins. People flock around you and inquire about everything under the sun while attempting to touch you. Meanwhile, your aunties remind you to school them on how they can be like their urban-based relative even though everyone appears baffled by your presence amongst them.

Source: Shutterstock

In the afternoons, we strolled through the village and I observed with fascination how they imitated me. Ironically, while they looked up to me as a role model, I appreciated their unpretentious way of living – being fluent in the local dialect, growing up amidst cultural richness and seamlessly blending in among fellow locals.

Nebbi street comes alive at night, with locals gathering in bars serving up their own brews. It’s a hub of storytelling, camaraderie and connections forged.

Everyday life encompasses culture. The majority of passed-down stories were meant to caution us against certain actions, shape our moral compass, and instill cultural values within us. These tales provided guidance on how to navigate through life properly. Our parents spoke in riddles that prompted thoughtful consideration when making decisions.

2 responses to “HISTORICAL GOSSIP”

  1. I’m starting to think that even folk tales started out as family lore. I miss such story telling sessions in the village.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They were the best. We took those times for granted.


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