I said what I said.


Pan Africanism means the unity of Africa, with Africans standing together and collaborating towards advancing the interests of their continent. Its significance transcends geographical boundaries as it brings together people of African descent from across the globe. Essentially, Pan-Africanism is about embracing our African-ness fully being authentic to who we are as a people.

As an African, regardless of your preferred destination or place to reside across the globe, you’ll always be drawn towards your fellow Africans as a way of feeling connected. Encountering someone from Uganda while abroad can evoke nostalgic feelings and spark enthusiasm. Our adoration for our individual nations persists irrespective of our chosen abode.


The consumption of ugali, a common dish in many African countries under different names, serves as one example of how our food brings us together. Additionally, music, language and culture are other ways that cultivate unity across nations. Furthermore, the Kitege is an embodiment of African fashion with Ankara being its commonly recognized form unifying diverse cultures within Africa.

If only we displayed more patriotism, and our leaders placed the nation’s progress ahead of their self-interests. It is disheartening to acknowledge that they are depriving us of resources as our economies deteriorate – prompting Africa to plead for change. Inevitably, a revolution seems paramount in this situation; meanwhile, it worries me how we can offer such an atmosphere for future generations. A world where Africans segregate against each other while favoring outsiders over natives within African territories does not sit well with human values.

If only we had the courage to speak out and defend our rights, instead of being gripped by fear. The main issue is that many people remain silent; however, if we came together as one voice and spoke up – would they really be able to arrest an entire nation? I applaud the younger generation in Kenya for taking a stand – it seems like a time of transformation could be upon us.

Choosing to speak up instead of staying silent is what Pan Africanism stands for. It emphasizes the importance of standing in solidarity with nations like Congo, Kenya and Sudan by ousting oppressive regimes. Further, it encourages supporting fellow Africans’ endeavors as we strive collectively towards progress. Let’s make our presence felt globally- united we are a force to be reckoned with!

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