I said what I said.


When my passion for blogging began to waver, the Afro Bloggers community provided a haven that reignited my drive. Vibrant and welcoming, it is a family of Africans who support each other’s endeavors. For me, these bloggers are more than just acquaintances; they have become an essential part of my tribe.

The Afro bloggers community unites African creatives and prompts us to step outside of our comfort zones. They encourage us to dream, have faith in ourselves, exchange concepts with each other, and express ourselves more openly. It is a space that enables us to disseminate Africa’s knowledge base, defend our interests, celebrate the diversity within our cultures while also showcasing all aspects occurring across different regions on the continent.

I feel a tinge of disappointment as I realize that the African Blogging Challenge for 2024 has come to an end. It was truly an honor and enjoyable experience connecting with other talented African bloggers throughout this journey. For the first time since participating in this challenge, I successfully delivered all twenty blogs on their designated days – something that makes me immensely proud of myself and my fellow bloggers who persevered through it all. Let’s continue pursuing our passions and creating exceptional content about Africa together.


  1. The bitter sweet feeling of coming to the finish line 🥲

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We did well though! 💪🏿

      Liked by 1 person

      1. We did

        Now we now to sit back and read, not as content creators but readers 🙃

        Liked by 1 person

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